Flower Energies vial

Flower Energies vial

To Flower is to bloom. To Flower is to flourish. To Flower is to thrive. To Flower is to open up to the world. The Flower Energies in this vial include energies beyond the plant world that “Flower.”

Do not open this FE (Flower Energies) vial. Once opened the energy escapes and the vial becomes inert. As long as the vial is never opened, even if the water evaporates, the energy remains within the vial and available to work for you.

Indications: Flower Energies help enhance and strengthen Positive Qualities, and help correct Patterns of Imbalance. You may recognize Positive Qualities and Patterns of Imbalance within yourself.

NA = North American Flowers
BF = Bach Flowers
DAW = Flowers developed by Dawnalee Shields
KAT = Flowers developed by Kat Miller

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Positive Qualities:
Champion of the underdog; creating solutions in alignment with highest good.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Failure to discern detrimental situations or identify conniving people; unwillingness to make a stand. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Glowing vitality, flaming, radiant energy and warmth.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling overly "dry" or intellectual; depletion of life-force and emotional verve. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Nicotiana (Common Sense)
Positive Qualities:
Peace which is deeply centered in the heart; integration of physical and emotional well-being through harmonious connection with the Earth.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Numbing of the emotions accompanied by mechanization or hardening of the body; inability to cope with deep feelings and finer sensibilities. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Night-Flowering Jasmine
Positive Qualities:
Supports seeing beauty in all circumstances; nourishes those born as Crystals and Rainbows; teaches “let your light shine.”

Patterns of Imbalance:
Succumbing to jealousy; promoting violence to solve dilemmas. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Balanced strength, accepting limits, knowing when to surrender.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who struggle on despite despondency from hardships, even when ill and overworked, they never give up. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Revitalization through connection with one's inner source of energy.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For mental and physical exhaustion, sapped vitality with no reserve. This may come on after an illness or personal ordeal. (BF)

Special Note:
Using Olive prior to doing proxy/surrogate work is useful in keeping yourself energized while and after doing the work.

Switchphrase to enhance:

Olivewood Branch
Positive Qualities:
Faithfulness; grounded optimism and hope; peacemaker.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Combativeness for the sake of conflict; obsessive need to be “right.” (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Olivewood Leaf
Positive Qualities:
Offering a place of safety for emotional and intellectual discussion; equanimity.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Easily panicked; filled with agitation and worry. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Orange Blossom
Positive Qualities:
Vibrant well-being; supports clarity when making pivotal choices; supports letting go of old habits.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Dried up, withered emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Orchid Root
Positive Qualities:
Supports continual integration of new insights, new studies, and new experiences, which manifests as holistic wisdom; nourishes those born as Indigoes.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fearful of higher consciousness, disconnected from intuition, disconnection from the divine; autistic characteristics; withdrawing as a way to avoid personal life’s purpose. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Transformation. Ability to take the mundane and facilitate movement to highest good.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Over-bearing and forceful in exerting will. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Oregon Grape
Positive Qualities:
Loving inclusion of others, positive expectation of good will from others, ability to trust.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling paranoid or self-protective; unfair projection or expectation of hostility from others. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Prudent, considerate, thoughtful; a dash of playfulness.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Perfunctory, apathetic, listless, excessive sighing. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Contributing to the whole whether as a leader or behind the scenes support. Unique supportive perspective during times of conflict.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unwilling to stand up and be counted. Seeks invisibility. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Warm, genuine, friendly, open in relationships.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Anti-social, distrusting, belligerent, verbal combativeness. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Great inner fortitude despite outer hardships; perseverance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling persecuted or sorry for oneself; inability to bear life's difficult circumstances. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Supports the evolution of the self from quiet introspection to draw strength through blooming with talents and wisdom to share. Inclusive of variety and celebratory of the strengths of others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Muddling through without plan; pursuing growth though never completing the steps before moving to something else. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Mindfulness, wakeful clarity, mental alertness.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Dull or sluggish, especially mental lethargy; unbalanced metabolism which depletes mental forces. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Full powers of attention, concentration, and memory. Control of mental function. Staying motivated.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Forgetfulness, brain fog, and confusion. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Pig Squeak
Positive Qualities:
Willingness to conform to others’ needs; willing to be strong with and for others; kind hearted; motherly.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unaccepting of change; protective of one’s true feelings; lives behind a façade of bravado; false sense of security. (KAT)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Self-acceptance, self-forgiveness; freedom from inappropriate guilt and blame.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who feel they should do or should have done better, who are self-reproachful or blame themselves for the mistakes of others. Hardworking people who suffer much from faults they attach to themselves, they are never satisfied with their success. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Reveling in the variety and abundance of life; hospitable, seeing to the comfort and welcome of others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Cliquish, exclusive; unwilling to welcome outsiders. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Pink Monkeyflower
Positive Qualities:
Emotional openness and honesty; courage to take emotional risks with others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feelings of shame, guilt, unworthiness; fear of exposure and rejection, hiding essential Self from others, masking one's feelings. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Pink Yarrow
Positive Qualities:
Loving awareness of others from a self-contained consciousness; appropriate emotional boundaries.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Unbalanced sympathetic forces, overly absorbent auric field, lack of emotional clarity, dysfunctional merging with others. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Poison Oak
Positive Qualities:
Emotional openness and vulnerability, ability to be close and make contact with others.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fear of intimate contact, protective of personal boundaries; fear of being violated; hostile or distant. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Warm-hearted feminine creativity, actively productive and nurturing at home or in the world.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Ambivalent or confused about the focus of feminine creativity, especially between values of career and home, creative and procreative, personal and global. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Pretty Face (Golden Brodiaea)
Positive Qualities:
Beauty that radiates from within; self-acceptance in relation to personal appearance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling ugly or rejected because of personal appearance; over-identified with physical appearance. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Prickly Pear
Positive Qualities:
Well-nourished body, mind and spirit; strength in adversity; creative problem solving, receptive of inspiration.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fear of the unknown; stuck in the details, "going around in circles"; withholding self in time of challenge, distrust of/doubting intuition. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Self-assurance, multi-gifted especially in areas of human understanding and discernment.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Separatist motivated by insecurity and false self-image; boastful, braggart. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Dynamic personal power; flourishing self-worth and life purpose; grounded spirituality; creating beauty from decay.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling trapped by past experiences; boxed in horizons; seeing no way out of current circumstances; lack of vision or purpose. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Purple Monkeyflower
Positive Qualities:
Inner calm and clarity when experiencing any spiritual or psychic phenomenon; the courage to trust in one's own spiritual experience or guidance; love-based rather than fear-based spirituality.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Fear of the occult, or of any spiritual experience; fear of retribution or censure if one departs from religious conventions of family or community. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Purple Pumpkin Vine
Positive Qualities:
Respect for heritage; adventurous, willing to take unknown paths to discover Life's treasures.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Conceit of self and experience; "my way or the highway"; inflexible. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Note from Kat: Use Purple Pumpkin Vine when you want to Connect WITH the energies of family/society tradition; when you want to be more adventurous, moving outside your comfort zone; to HELP you step forward into things you don't know and FIND treasures beyond your current experience

Quaking Grass
Positive Qualities:
Harmonious social consciousness, finding higher identity in group work, flexibility.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Dysfunctional in group settings, inability to balance individual sense of Self and higher needs of a group. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Idealism; tuned in to one’s extra sensory perception; clairvoyance.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Projection of dominating will; manipulation to obscure/derail highest good. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Queen Anne's Lace
Positive Qualities:
Spiritual insight and vision; integration of psychic faculties with sexual and emotional aspects of Self.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Projection and lack of objectivity in psychic awareness; distortion of psychic perception or physical eyesight due to sexual or emotional imbalances. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Loving strength, balance of masculine initiating power and feminine nurturing power.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Inability to catalyze or reconcile feelings of strength and power with essential qualities of the feminine; distorted connection with the masculine Self or animus. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Active and lively consciousness; alert, flexible and mobile state of mind.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Easily overwhelmed by details; unable to cope with simultaneous events or demanding situations. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Increased energy and delight in completing a project. The “little extra” which radiates love to the recipient.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Aggressive giving, strings attached, expectation of performance from recipient. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Raspberry Leaf
Positive Qualities:
Loving-kindness, meekness, mentoring; robust health.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Harsh disciplinarian; angry, rigid, demeaning; anorexic, overly thin, thinned out by life. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Red Coral
Positive Qualities:
Material security, stability.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Ungrounded; distrust; lack mentality. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Red Chestnut
Positive Qualities:
Caring for others with calm, inner peace, trust in the unfolding of life events.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who find it difficult not to be overly concerned or anxious for others. Always fearing something wrong may happen to those they care for. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Red Clover
Positive Qualities:
Self-aware behavior, calm and steady presence, especially in emergency situations.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Susceptible to mass hysteria and anxiety, easily influenced by panic or other forms of group thought. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Red Sedge
Positive Qualities:
Peaceful acceptance of life on earth, vitality, grounding.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Anxious bustling about in daily life, overly controlling of life details, flagging energy, scattered thinking and activity. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Ability to stand firm during stressful situations, skill in settling controversy/peacekeeping.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Wishy washy behavior, inability to take the lead when others might be offended. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Opens the Third Eye Chakra, improving clairvoyance; helps give you clearer, more accurate images, allowing you to see things from wider perspectives to determine what really needs solving; increases understanding, compassion and empathy; brings motherly love, comfort, warmth and protection, steadiness and tranquility; helps balance obligations to others with personal needs; helps in grounding, softening the heart, releasing resentment and easing overwhelm and depleted energy; helps one find, accept and gently release underlying emotional causes of physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological and interpersonal problems, promoting love of self and others, allowing for self-healing and well-being.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Feeling cold, alone, out of place and vulnerable; jealousy, insecurity, despair, fear of misunderstanding, betrayal or unrequited love; feeling unloved, unprotected; easily annoyed; fault finding; hard-heartedness, uncaring, judgmental. (Rhododendron itself developed/defined)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Rock Rose
Positive Qualities:
Self-transcending courage, inner peace and tranquility when facing great challenges.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who experience states of terror, panic and hysteria, also when troubled by nightmares. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Rock Water
Positive Qualities:
Flexibility, spontaneity, and flowing receptivity. Following the spirit rather than the letter of the law.

Patterns of Imbalance:
For those who are very strict with themselves in their daily living. They are hard masters to themselves struggling toward some ideal or to set an example for others. This would include strict, often rigid adherence to a living style or to religious, personal or social disciplines. (BF)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Rose Quartz
Positive Qualities:
Warmth, sharing; sincerity, devotion.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Holding self back from others and in creative pursuits; selfishness; perpetuating misunderstandings. (DAW)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Warm physical presence; embodiment; vibrantly incarnated.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Forgetfulness, poorly incarnated in body, lacking physical/etheric warmth; higher ego forces which are not integrated with the physical body. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

Positive Qualities:
Willingness to explore the unexpected thought or action without passing knee-jerk judgment; fair-mindedness when caught up in a dilemma.

Patterns of Imbalance:
Shaming an unusual idea before considering it; failing to recognize the shortfall of knowledge that exists; unwillingness to acknowledge “we don’t know what we don’t know”. (NA)

Switchphrase to enhance:

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Check out Kat's Channels
on YouTube

Kat Thoughts
(NEW videos frequently added, answering questions posed to Kat)

Switchwords Kat
(Overviews of tools discussed at Blue Iris Learning Center)

Kat's Talkcasts

(Originally recorded ON Talkshoe, discussions Kat had WITH friends and associates, recorded before 2012, and STILL applicable today.)

Switchwords Support Groups

Facebook (most active)

A note from one of the members: I would like to thank Kat Miller for creating this group and for sharing her huge knowledge with us. And also Rhoda Randhawa for her Energy Circles and Switchwords. They actually work. Thank you. God Bless

Twitter Switchwords Community

Switchwords ON Band

Notice: Information and products provided on this site are for the sole purpose of imparting education on energy balancing and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or qualified healthcare provider.